
BuLa Story - 8th Swiss Scout National Camp, Napf area, 1994

23rd July – 6th August 1994, approximatively 22 000 participants

Napf area (BE/LU) (PBS)
Cuntrast – first national camp of the Swiss Scout Movement. Around 22 000 Scouts, including 658 guests from abroad, pitch their tents in eleven sub-camps around the Napf in the cantons of Berne and Lucerne.

168 tonnes of Y+S material have to be shipped to the right camp sites, as well as
290 tonnes of army material such as large tents or cooking pots. 80 special trains transport the participants to the federal camp and back again.
The post office delivers 12 000 parcels and 16 000 letters as well as postcards to the camp participants. Apparently the scouts had enough time to write back: 69 000 letters and cards were sent from the camp.

During two weeks, 66 tonnes of bread, 25 tonnes of potatoes, 7 tonnes of sugar and 4 tonnes of Emmentaler were consumed. In addition, 36 190 eggs, 32 166 lettuces and 29 510 pairs of cervelats.